BaguetteBot v1.3 Out Now!

(Sorry for the cheesy image!)

As of today, the 6th January 2023, BaguetteBot now *fully* supports Slash Commands, Buttons, Dropdowns and more! Make sure you reinvite the bot if you do not see these new changes in your server. 

Invite link (admin): here

Invite link (recommended): here

The bot can perform a huge selection of features so feel free to select just the ones you need, however, disabling some features may result in errors occurring.

In total, there are 2,565 additions and 2,750 deletions to the code.

Over the next month or two, a variety of changes and commits will likely be made, including a new audio playing system with queueing, skipping and seeking, more commands for currency earning and a ton of improvements. A settings command is also being worked on which allows users in your server to fine-tune what they want to see, such as notifications for role additions and removals, messages from the bot, messages from your admin team and more!

Since the last major revision, v1.2, the bot has been added to 28 more servers and is now helping an additional 350 members exactly. This represents a respective increase of 124% and 175%.

Below is a complete full list of all new additions, changes and removals for your servers:

• Bump version to 2.10

• Full support for Slash Commands, Buttons, Dropdowns, Options, etc!


• New Slash Command: sync-commands

• New Slash Command: stats

• New Slash Command: baguette

• New Slash Command: snowflake (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: coins (3 optional arguments)

• New Slash Command: buy (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: slowmode (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: emoji-backup (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: get_messages (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: log (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: play (1 required argument)

• New Slash Command: pause

• New Slash Command: mine

• New Slash Command: yes-no

• New Slash Command: brawlstars

• New Slash Command: vbucks (1 required, 1 optional argument)

• New Slash Command: vbucks-usd (1 required, 1 optional argument)

• New Slash Command: settings (7 UI buttons)


• Updated Baguette Brigaders default member name and ID

• Improved command line printing for all frequent outputs.

• Improved the efficiency of Coin querying and balance modifying significantly.

• Removed hundreds of lines of outdated code and old commands.

• Added `interaction:discord.Interaction` object support to old `ctx` arguments.

• Drastically improved quality of audio played using the play command.

• Drastically reduced occurrences of packet loss when playing audio.

• Added a second section to the Coins Shop! You'll see what's been added later.

• Improved security and reliability of initialisation.

The source code and changes for this update is available here:

View the bot's issues here:

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