iBaguette Site Update & AI Usage Policy
iBaguette AI Use Content Policy Here on the iBaguette team, I’ve led a deep discussion and debate about the use of AI in our content. To summarise: We will NOT be using AI, at all, t…
iBaguette AI Use Content Policy Here on the iBaguette team, I’ve led a deep discussion and debate about the use of AI in our content. To summarise: We will NOT be using AI, at all, t…
It's that time of year again! The GCSE May/June 2024 series of exams' timetables have just been fully published by all exam boards, which means that everyone can make a plan and see…
Celebrating 3 Years of Community: New Features and Updates! 🎉 Press Release and General Announcement by Draggie It is indeed that time of the year again, be it for good or for bad... It…
The May/June 2024 series of exams' timetables has just been finalised by many exam boards, such as OCR, AQA, Pearson Edexcel and Eduqas. The times of each exam and their individual AS a…
Announcing iBaguette for Institutions tl;dr: We will be making public our resources and expertise in education and technology to expand our impact on learning, by better allowing the things…
Here's where you can find our revision resources, including our acclaimed Cheat Sheets! Hello everyone! Due to the recent influx of visitors coming to the site, increasing by over 60x (…
iBaguette has acquired Draggie Games and geog.uk. The acquisition of these platforms values iBaguette at <redacted> This is a notice to inform you that iBaguette has acquired two new …
The French Revision Portal is an all-in-one online resource for A level French students and language learners. Located on the acclaimed iBaguette A level Cheat Sheets page at ibaguette.com/…
What actually is the iBaguette website for, and what can you find on it? I've owned and developed iBaguette for over 3 years now and there hasn't been any good post or information e…
I'm happy to annouce that, after 60 updates, additions and fixes, my new desktop command-line application, DraggieTools, is ready to be downloaded by anyone! DraggieTools: a comprehensi…
Baguette Brigaders Welcome to Baguette Brigaders, a vibrant and thriving Discord community dedicated to providing a diverse range of activities and resources for its members. Whether you…
This is a small announcement to say that an A level OCR Geography Cheat sheet is being started and is available at https://ibaguette.com/cheatsheets/alevel . Click here to view t he latest …